20 Jul 2018

Fee Payment Planner for Bachelor’s Degree

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”4844″ img_size=”200×100″ alignment=”center” style=”vc_box_outline” border_color=”black”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″]

Fee Payment Planner

for Bachelor’s Degree
B.Sc.(IT) / BBM
July-2018 Session
[/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”5/6″][vc_tta_tour color=”blue” active_section=”1″ pagination_style=”flat-square”][vc_tta_section title=”First Semester – July-2018 Session ” tab_id=”1528354200046-a2a34a53-34e0″][vc_column_text]

Installments Date
First installment :

(50% of Admission fee and University fee of level-1 (first & second semester)

At the time of Admission
Second installment

(50% of remaining admission fee + security deposit)

20th August,2018
Last date to submit the eligibility documents along with University Application Form 30th August,2018
Third installment

(100% of tuition fee)

10th October,2018
Fourth installment

(100% of lab fee + internal test & other activities fee + semester end examination fee + library fee + MOE fee+ any other fees)

15th November,2018
Semester End Examination 16th December,2018

Please Note: –

  • All the above dates are tentative and can be changed without giving any prior notice. In case due date for payment or any other obligation falls on Public holiday/ Saturday, then is it payable on day earlier or later to due date. Please note that fees once paid are not refunded in any circumstances.
  • Students are advised to read and understand the prospectus before joining any program at LBEF Campus. Eligibility documents have to be submitted within the deadline given. Admission will be rejected (without giving any notice) if any student fails to submit the document within given time frame due to any reason & no fee will be refunded in any circumstances.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Second Semester – January-2019 Session” tab_id=”1528354200063-7f1d9567-e812″][vc_column_text]

Installments Date
First Installment

(50% of tuition fee)

8th January,2019
Last date to submit the college re-registration form 13th January,2019
Second Installment

(100% of lab fee + internal test & other activities fee + semester end examination fee + library fee + MOE fee+ any other fees)

20th February,2019
Third Installment

(50% of tuition fee)

31st March,2019
Semester End Examination June-2019

Please Note: –

  • All the above dates are tentative and can be changed without giving any prior notice. In case due date for payment or any other obligation falls on Public holiday/ Saturday, then is it payable on day earlier or later to due date. Please note that fees once paid are not refunded in any circumstances.
  • Students are advised to read and understand the prospectus before joining any program at LBEF Campus. Eligibility documents have to be submitted within the deadline given. Admission will be rejected (without giving any notice) if any student fails to submit the document within given time frame due to any reason & no fee will be refunded in any circumstances.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Third Semester – July-2019 Session” tab_id=”1532075485697-4d1dfa5b-a781″][vc_column_text]

Installments Date
First Installment

University fee for Level-2 /3

8th July,2019
Last date to submit the University & college re-registration form 13th July,2019
Second Installment (50% of tuition fee) 30th August,2019
Third Installment

(100% of lab fee + internal test & other activities fee + semester end examination fee + library fee + MOE fee+ any other fees)

10th October,2019
Fourth Installment

(50% of tuition fee )

10th November,2019
Semester End Examination December-2019

Please Note: –

  • All the above dates are tentative and can be changed without giving any prior notice. In case due date for payment or any other obligation falls on Public holiday/ Saturday, then is it payable on day earlier or later to due date. Please note that fees once paid are not refunded in any circumstances.
  • Students are advised to read and understand the prospectus before joining any program at LBEF Campus. Eligibility documents have to be submitted within the deadline given. Admission will be rejected (without giving any notice) if any student fails to submit the document within given time frame due to any reason & no fee will be refunded in any circumstances.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Fourth Semester – January-2020 Session” tab_id=”1532075487749-57b652d6-2453″][vc_column_text]

Installments Date
First Installment

(50% of tuition fee)

8th January,2020
Last date to submit the college re-registration form 12th January,2020
Second Installment

(100% of lab fee + internal test & other activities fee + semester end examination fee + library fee + MOE fee+ any other fees)

28th February,2020
Third Installment

(50% of tuition fee)

10th May,2020
Semester End Examination June-2020

Please Note: –

  • All the above dates are tentative and can be changed without giving any prior notice. In case due date for payment or any other obligation falls on Public holiday/ Saturday, then is it payable on day earlier or later to due date. Please note that fees once paid are not refunded in any circumstances.
  • Students are advised to read and understand the prospectus before joining any program at LBEF Campus. Eligibility documents have to be submitted within the deadline given. Admission will be rejected (without giving any notice) if any student fails to submit the document within given time frame due to any reason & no fee will be refunded in any circumstances.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Fifth Semester – July-2020 Session ” tab_id=”1532078844836-9d3b755f-fa68″][vc_column_text]

Installments Date
First Installment

University fee for Level-3

8th July,2020
Last date to submit the University & college re-registration form 13th July,2020
Second Installment (50% of tuition fee) 30th August,2020
Third Installment

(100% of lab fee + internal test & other activities fee + semester end examination fee + library fee + MOE fee+ any other fees)

10th October,2020
Fourth Installment

(50% of tuition fee )

10th November,2020
Semester End Examination December-2020

Please Note: –

  • All the above dates are tentative and can be changed without giving any prior notice. In case due date for payment or any other obligation falls on Public holiday/ Saturday, then is it payable on day earlier or later to due date. Please note that fees once paid are not refunded in any circumstances.
  • Students are advised to read and understand the prospectus before joining any program at LBEF Campus. Eligibility documents have to be submitted within the deadline given. Admission will be rejected (without giving any notice) if any student fails to submit the document within given time frame due to any reason & no fee will be refunded in any circumstances.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Sixth Semester – January-2021 Session” tab_id=”1532078842204-c34583e2-e93c”][vc_column_text]

Installments Date
First Installment

(50% of tuition fee)

8th January,2021
Last date to submit the college re-registration form 12th January,2021
Second Installment

(100% of lab fee + internal test & other activities fee + semester end examination fee + library fee + MOE fee+ any other fees)

28th February,2021
Third Installment

(50% of tuition fee)

10th May,2021
Semester End Examination June-2021

Please Note: –

  • All the above dates are tentative and can be changed without giving any prior notice. In case due date for payment or any other obligation falls on Public holiday/ Saturday, then is it payable on day earlier or later to due date. Please note that fees once paid are not refunded in any circumstances.
  • Students are advised to read and understand the prospectus before joining any program at LBEF Campus. Eligibility documents have to be submitted within the deadline given. Admission will be rejected (without giving any notice) if any student fails to submit the document within given time frame due to any reason & no fee will be refunded in any circumstances.

