24 Nov 2019

Workshop on “ID Card design in Photoshop”

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A Workshop on “ID Card design in Photoshop” was conducted by Mr. Rabi Raunyar on 24 Nov 2019 at LBEF Campus.

Photoshop is one of the best tools used by web page designers. The objective of the workshop was to create awareness about the tools and enhance the designing skills of students.

Workshop covered the following features of Photoshop:
• The Power of File and New
• The Key to Custom Shapes
• The Core of Photoshop, Layers and Groups
• The Shortcuts to Moving and Resizing
• Getting the Most from Zooming and Panning
• Creating Cool Effects with Blending Modes

#DegreeThatWorks #Since1998 #LBEFCAMPUS #FirstITCollege #APUinNepal #funwitheducation

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