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LBEF Campus, since its inception in 1998, is a pioneer and prominent teaching and research institution in Nepal. We are proud to be known as “First IT College of Nepal”. Over two-decade experience has taught us that progress is possible only if education is aligned with industry requirements and focused on outcome-based education. We have, as an Alma mater, witnessed the achievements of the over 8500 of our graduates produced through the years, symbolizing the quality standards maintained by the Institution.

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At LBEF, we always strive to impart outcome centric and quality-focused education to our students so as to create “Job Givers” instead of “Job Seekers”.

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LBEF, along with various reputed universities of Australia and Canada, have given an opportunity to BBM/BBA students of Nepal for credit transfer into these universities and experience the world-class academics by studying there.

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Some of the benefits of the credit transfer system are listed as below –

  • Cost Efficiency – The major benefit of credit transfer is that it offers the opportunity to reduce educational costs substantially. In general, credit transfer systems allow students to save 1/3 of the total cost which is approximately 35 lacs in Nepali Currency.
  • Better Course Choices – By the mean of credit transfer, the students can make better course choices as they will be able to earn internationally acclaimed degree at affordable fees.
  • International Exposure – Changing international business canvas requires international exposure to the workforce and credit transfer system offers a student to complete his/her degree in international university at their campus.
  • Dual Academic Recognition – A student taking admission through credit transfer will be certified by two institutions i.e. one at Nepal and one from International University where student will get transferred.
  • Easier Exploration of Career Options – Having an International degree while studying in an international environment will offer several job and career options and opportunities at not only national level but international level as well.

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