23 Jan 2019

Internship Fair

[vc_row][vc_column width=”5/6″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]After Successful completion of 10 days Internship Training Program for students. LBEF Campus in association  of GLA arranged internship placement fair.

5 companies visited campus and conducted interviews for taking our students as interns. All the students participated in the placement fair with lots of enthusiasm, they were looking forward to meet the representatives of the companies eagerly.

The following companies participated in the Internship Placement fair.

  1. mDev Tech Solutions
  2. Introcept Nepal
  3. Softech Foundation Pvt. Ltd
  4. Sarda IT Service
  5. Saedi Works Pvt. Ltd

After the interviews, students were awarded certificates for successful completion of Internship Training Program by Er. Prakash Kumar, Director (Academics) and Dr. Sandeep Kautish, Dean – Academic Affairs.


