18 Mar 2020

Classes Suspended

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Dear Students,
As per the directives issued by the Govt. of Nepal, classes will not be held on campus from Thursday 19th March 2020 till 31st March 2020(In case of any change, you will be notified) . This also includes time-tabled laboratory sessions and presentations scheduled from this date.
All examinations will continue as scheduled at the Examination Centre.

All administrative functions will continue to function as normal. Student facilities such as laboratories and the library will remain open should you wish to avail yourself of these facilities

In the meantime, we wish to remind you to continue to:
1. Practice strong personal hygiene by washing your hands and sanitizing them regularly.
2. Avoid unnecessary personal contact with other persons – we suggest placing your hand to your chest as an alternative to customary forms of greetings such as handshakes and hugging.
3. Avoid attending any mass events.
4. Should you display any symptoms commonly identified with COVID-19, please seek immediate medical attention.
